Questions Frequently asked about TRTP™
What makes TRTP™ different to other modalities?
Trauma is not stored in the conscious mind. Trauma is stored in the subconscious mind. TRTP™ works where the trauma is stored and addresses it there – in the subconscious mind.
TRTP™ also arrests client self-sabotage before it begins. It does this in the first session, by changing the unhelpful negative unconscious core beliefs to the positive. For example, if the unconscious has the belief , ‘It’s not safe to get well’ – self-sabotage will be the result. The unconscious will keep the client safe, according to its own beliefs. If this unconscious core belief is changed to ‘It’s safe to get well’ – then obviously, a positive outcome will be achieved more quickly, without the unconscious attempting to keep the client ‘safe’ in unwellness.
The biggest difference between TRTP and other modalities is the extraordinary, positive client outcomes.
What clinical presentations does TRTP™ resolve?
The TRTP team are currently doing case studies on the outcomes of TRTP™ with extreme complex PTSD, PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, fears and phobias and other trauma-related issues.
How long does TRTP™ work for?
We have followed some past clients for over 7 years with continuing positive outcomes.
TRTP is the gift that keeps on giving. Many clients experience their life continuing to improve in many different ways, for many, many years. TRTP creates fundamental change.
How did Judith Richards learn this therapy?
Judith did not simply learn TRTP™ from somewhere / someone else. TRTP™ came into being as the result of her own harrowing journey through extreme trauma and PTSD breakdown, and her own resourceful navigation through to the other side of it. She is not a psychologist. However, she does know trauma – inside out and from every angle. AND she knows what is required to step someone through to the other side of their pain.Her students are achieving and repeating the same ‘staggering’ results with their clients that Judith achieves. She has now taught over 200 mental health and health practitioners – clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, GP's, anesthetists, nurses, paramedics, psychiatrists, social workers, naturopaths etc.
I'm finding the outcomes of this process sound too good to be true.
It does sound too good to be true. Using current mental health practices, extraordinarily positive, quick outcomes are generally rare. The usual outcome is one of slow, incremental change.
We seem to have an entrenched view that if a person has been sick for a long time, it will take a long time for them to become well.
But what if that’s no longer necessary?
It makes sense that if a different outcome is being achieved, a different approach must be being used. It stands to logic that with TRTP™ we are doing something different. And we are.
Will TRTP™ work with all clients 100% of the time?
Of course not. There are never any guarantees in life. A successful outcome using The Richards Trauma Process™ is dependent on many elements which include and are not limited to the following; The willingness of the client to fully engage with the process.The environment that dominates the client’s world. A toxic environment will significantly reduce the potential for success of recovery for any client, if that client chooses to remain within that environment. As with any therapy, secondary benefits of the client, if not successfully dealt with, will interfere with a positive outcome. As the philosopher Seneca stated, 2000 years ago, ‘It is part of the cure to wish to be cured.’